Narrated by actor Bambadjan Bamba (Black Panther)
If you give food to the hungry and satisfy those who are in need,
then the darkness around you, will turn to the brightness of noon.
– Isaiah 58:10
Offering sanctuary to the “stranger” is at the core of most religious traditions; sustaining them in an age of violence and cruelty is how we hold onto our human hearts.
Brightness of Noon: The Intersect of Faith, Immigration and Refugees, a two-part documentary, highlights the stories of undocumented immigrants and refugees – who fled economic despair and unfathomable violence only to face an uncertain future in the United States – and the faith groups who are posing a question to us all, “Are we willing to take some risks in order to protect human life and basic rights?”
Part I focuses on people of various faiths addressing the plight of undocumented immigrants. Narrated by acclaimed actor-activist Bambadjan Bamba (The Good Place, Black Panther) the one-hour documentary premiered on ABC-affiliated stations across the country beginning Feb. 18, 2018. Part II of Brightness of Noon, which chronicles refugees and asylees, began broadcasting on ABC affiliated stations February 17, 2019.

Bambadjan Bamba
About the narrator
Shortly after the Trump administration rescinded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), throwing into doubt the legal status of young people brought to the United States as children, Bambadjan Bamba publicly announced that he was a DACA recipient. No longer able to remain silent, he risked his career and freedom to petition the government to fix DACA or overhaul the United States’ immigration system. “When I was ten, my parents and I fled from a war-torn Ivory Coast, and sought political asylum in the United States,” says Bamba. “The reason I announced my undocumented status, and also chose to narrate Brightness of Noon, is to show that I and the other 800,000 other DACA recipients are young people who care, work hard and only want the opportunity to give back to this great nation.”

Jim Papoulis
About the composer
Scored by renowned composer Jim Papoulis, whose work has been featured at, among others, the Beijing Olympics, the Give Us Hope Permanent Exhibit at the 911 Museum of New York, the Pope’s visit to New York, and who has worked with Aretha Franklin, Celine Dion, Beyonce, the Tokyo String Quartet and the Moscow Philharmonic, this will be the twelfth documentary he has scored for Diva Communications.
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